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Sunday, July 05, 2009



Oh, yum! The perfect reason to change your schedule.


I'm jealous. I don't think I've ever tasted cherries fresh from the tree! Those muffins sound divine. I can't do TdF because I can't yet spin on a daily basis but I'm cheering you guys on and spinning along when I can.

The spinning looks lovely. The geranium? WANT! Hope your re-entry to work goes smoothly. I swear, I'll get to my email soon.

That looks like it tastes So! Good!

Go Team Crankypants! The fleece is spinning up beautifully, it'll make a gorgeous cardigan.

Cherries are a top priority! When they are ripe everything else takes a backseat. Damn those muffins look delicious.

We did blueberry picking last week. 15 pounds and I want to go back for more. I can't bring myself to cook with them, they're so good this year I just eat them plain. A lot. And often.

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